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Is there any decent Video Player (With CINEMA Movie Theater) for HTC Vive?


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I Tried many movie players on Vive but mostly only have black background or something else.

I would like to have a Video Player with CINEMA Movie theater (With cheers by my side and everything else) that can play mp4,avi... videos.


The only option that i found is Youku player but it's only allows to play the website videos.


Can anybody here help me?


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 - Most of the broad community would recommend Bigscreen - its networking capabilities add a layer of social interaction that justifies watching 2D in VR for many.


Cmore will also likely cover your use case and provide you with a healthy number of environments to choose from.


Previously, we used to have an app called Vive Cinema that did exactly what you're asking but it's been depreciated into Viveport video. 

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