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Using more than 2 base stations


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I'm working on a project that uses the SRWorks Unity3D SDK for Mixed Reality and I'm using the HTC Vive Tracker to put a digital twin in the exact same position of the real object, so the user can grab a real object and the digital object together. Today I noticed that there's a little offset between the tracker's real position (I'm using Vive Pro Camera) and its virtual position. Is there a way to adjust this?


I thought of buying another pair of Base Stations for a better tracking, but I don't know if it's worth it. 

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 - I moved this to the SRWorks SDK forum.  can comment on this from an SRWorks prospective. 


From a SteamVR hardware prospective, adding additional stations strictly helps with playspace volume and helps prevent occlusion scenarios. Adding extra stations will likely not improve your tracking resolution. 

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