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HTC Vive - Alernating Green/Red Flashing - Left Eye Flashes Picture/Black, Right Eye All Black


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I have an HTC Vive.  The right eye is not displaying anything, the left eye is flashing picture/no picture.  The indicator light similarly flashes green/red.  All cables have been tested, headset reset, unplugged/powered down and back up, all hardware is updated, and all other troubleshooting steps offered online have been tried.


At this point I think it is hardware since none of the troubleshooting steps have worked.  Any other suggestions?  If hardware, what options do I have to get it fixed (device is ~10-months old)?


Thank you!

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  • 1 year later...

This is probably a long shot - but did you ever figure out the exact issue with this?

I'm having the exact same problem with my Vive Pro and it's out of warranty. They wanted way too much money to fix it so I'm going to try to do it myself and I'm trying to diagnose the exact component that must be replaced. I'm leaning toward it being a right eye LCD problem.

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