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Unity: Only show objects within certain distance


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I would like to filter from the camera all objects within certain distance. For example if I would like to see only objects between 3 - 6 feet distance, how can I achieve that with the Vive SRWorks API for Unity?

Does anybody know how to do that?



 @Dario @Daniel_Y

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Daniel_L, thanks for your reply.

I am not sure if that really meets my needs.

Your suggested solution gererates a depth mesh collider. I would like to "remove" everything which is not within the specified range.

Realsense has a sample implementation of what I would need for Vive Pro. Please have a look at: https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/tree/master/examples/align-advanced



I would need a color image. Indead of a gray background I would need an empty background. Oclusion culling should be actiated as well, just as it´s demonstrated at ViveSRWorksHand example. https://github.com/ViveSoftware/ViveSRWorksHand





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I am still quite new to the ViveSRWorks SDK. I don´t know which steps I have to take to create a mask from depth map and to apply this mask to the undistorted left-eye image.


As the documentation of the SDK is quite short, I would be interested to know if there would be a more detailled documentation of the SDK beside the Pdf document "SRWorks Unity API Reference.pdf".

I am still struggeling with the ViveSRWorksHand example. The description of that example states that it should work with Unity 2018.2.16f1 and SRWorks v0.8.0.2. Unfortunately wihin that environment it throws an exception as mentioned in some posts before. Would there be a solution for that, respectively are you going to update this example as well to the more recent Unity version 2019?


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