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Vive Pro Wireless Adapter with MSI VR One


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Hi community,

does anyone have experience with connecting the Wireless Adapter to a MSI VR One computer? I would like to get rid of the cable but apparently I need a PCIe port in order to install the card in the computer. I am not sure if the MSI VR One provides that slot, especially since I heart it's not possible for laptops.

Thanks a lot!

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HUH?  You don't need the wireless adapter if your using the MSI VR backpack, you can't install anything in those, only upgrade memory and SSD.  You need to supply power to the headset from the VR backpack and by pass the small link box and thats it.

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Thanks @VRGamesterz, you're right of course. The idea ist just to not use the backpack and use the MSI as a normal stationary computer (my company bought it, they probably didn't know that all we need is a strong tower pc). So if I get you right you are saying that there is no extra PCIe slot and that therefore I could not use the wireless adapter, right?


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@elnovio - Yes, the current iteration of the Vive Wireless Adapter requires an available PCI-E slot that can accommodate the desktop 1x PCI-E card/chipset. There really aren't ways to stably modify a PC/laptop that doesn't meet this requirement natively - it's considered to be a desktop only solution. Some community members have adopted m.2 slots to work with the adapter but those solutions are super janky at best and sometimes involve dangling  the PCI-E card outside of the PC case which is very risky. The MSI VR One is not compatible with the current wireless solution unfortunately.

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