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Cosmos is coming. Are you ready? Pre-orders start 9/12.


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Are you ready to head for the Cosmos?



The Cosmos pre-orders begin September 12th. This week on our Twitter channel, we'll be sharing more on COSMOS,  Vive Reality System, & media previews. Don't forget to visit www.vive.com/cosmos on the 12th to get all of the information you need about the Cosmos as well as pre-ordering your very own. 

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I pre-order the cosmos, but until now I can´t check if I will be able to use it with my Vive Pro wireless adapter upon arrive. Look like will need a cable adapter that is unavaliable for pre-order. Why HTC dont send the Cosmos with this cable, for those just have the wireless adapter ?

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@Leo_BH, I've reached out to our product team for more information about wireless and Cosmos and what that support will look like at the HMD's launch.

The Cosmos uses the same data cable as the Pro so I think the issue would mostly be a mismatch on the padding rather than the cable. There may also be some software/firmware updates that need to occur to support wireless. I'll circle back with what I discover.

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@Leo_BH - I've gotten some more information. Apparently the limiting factor between converting the Pro kit to a Cosmos HMD is the battery rather than the cabling (as the Pro and Cosmos use the same cabling). The Cosmos has a higher voltage requirement than the Pro/Original Vive; higher than the specifications of the battery that shipped with the original wireless kit. The product team is still finalizing wireless support for Cosmos and will announce additional information on the subject as launch approaches.

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