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Focus and Focus Plus Tracking Tips


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1.  The inside out tracking of the Focus relies on the cameras to sense edges and distinct points in the environment. A mono-colored wall or a non-textured environment does not make for good tracking conditions. The best tracking will come from an environment that has plenty of distinct points to track against on the floor, ground, and ceiling. 

2. Ensure that the environment has adequate lighting (not too dim or direct sunlight).

3. The sweet “focus” spot of the Focus is in the center of the lens.  It is recommended to keep the Focus adjustment dial tight (yet comfortable) on your head in order to keep the center of the lens lined up with your eyes. Looking a few tens of degrees beyond the center may start to increase the effect of “swimming”.

4. Although not recommended, the Focus can track outdoors as long as the environment has plenty of distinctive textures. Make sure not to expose the cameras and lenses to direct sunlight.   You can turn off the Virtual Safety Wall (at your own risk), but it is recommended to leave the Virtual Safety Wall (2x2m) on. Always make sure that someone is watching out for you while you are in VR.   


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