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Eye tracking offset


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My newly purchased Vive Pro Eye has a vertical eye tracking offset. I have tried recalibrating multiple times and ensured that HMD position and IPD is correct, but the result is always the same - I can only light up the dots presented after calibration, if I look ~20° lower than the target. So, how do I fix this offset?

I tried reinstalling the SRanipal Runtime and updating my graphics card driver, but this did not help.




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The offset I experience is from using Vive's Eyes built-in calibration. But when I use the Focus sample in Unity, as you suggest, the tracking looks perfectly fine! So, this is great!!

Now I am just curious why the dots presented after finalizing the built-in calibration shows a wrong result, eventhough the result in the SDK is fine? And if I can be certain that the eye tracking is accurate, which it now seems to be?

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@Daniel_Y, I am using version of SRanipal Runtime, which I suppose is the newest.

I do, however, have the EyeChip driver version dated back to default 21-06-2006 installed. According to Tobii "The driver should not be older than from 2014." at least for their hardware, which I guess are similar. But I cannot find a way to update it, since the Windows Update found nothing and it apparently is not available for manual download. Could this be related?

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I did not have any Tobii software or drivers installed, but I uninstalled the outdated EyeChip driver and had it reinstall with a fresh SRanipal runtime install. The driver version is still dated at 21-06-2006.

My Runtime and Eye Camera versions are identical to yours.


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@Eric, Thanks for your suggestion, but I wrote on this forum due to the troubleshooting guide you are referring to being very brief and not addressing my issue. As you might know, the calibration allows only a short IPD range, but I tried all different allowed settings. Another person have tried calibrating, but the offset is identical. And I do not use glasses.

Edited by kdue
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