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Eye expression data

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Hi  @VIVE_Jason_Lu, @Daniel_Y , @imarin18and team,

I am experiencing some trouble with eye expressions and openness, I hope you may have a moment to help me out.

My eye openness of the left eye is not clamped to [0,1], it goes up to 800000, while the openness of the right eye is always 0.  I used the function 

var rightEyeOpennessReadSuccess = SRanipal_Eye_v2.GetEyeOpenness ((EyeIndex) 1, out rightEyeOpenness, eyeData);

to get my right(and left) openness data. The rightEyeOpennessReadSuccess which the function returns, is always 1. Likewise for the left eye. eyeData is a EyeData_v2 struct following the EyeDataCall back example here

Additionally, all my eye expressions (frown, squeeze, and wide) are always 0. 

I am using Vive Pro Eye, SRanipal SDK, Unity 2020.3.32f1. Enable eye version is set to version 2.  No Tobii XR SDK was used. 

The eye pupil diameter is read out ok, the EyeSample_v2 scene also works fine.

If you could spare a moment and give me a hand, I would be very grateful.

Kind regards,





Edited by houb3
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