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Room setup can't finish, green screen


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Room setup can't be finished.

When I come to the step to put on the headset it only shows green screen. Controllers and headset are up and tracking.

Uninstalled and reinstalled many times with no luck.

Any ideas?

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9 minutes ago, C.T. said:

Hi There,

This is CT from Engineering team, 

do you have any screenshot or anything that can help us identify the issue with?



Hi and thanks for the reply. I have reported the issue on Vive consol. Screenshot via consol U mean?

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3 hours ago, C.T. said:

the green screen is what I'm looking for 🙂 

Pictures attached of green screen.

The pictures do not show the true colour, it is green in the headset.



Edited by Pasi
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I found the bug. I am running everything towards another computer via remote desktop. Everything is connected to my game set in another room. I only use remote desktop (from my laptop) to start up the VR system. As soon as i kill the remote connection (from my laptop) the headset screens show everything OK. If I start the remote session again the screens go green.

I am using remote desktop out of the box in win10 pro. I have also tried Team viewer and Chrome remote desktop, did not work but gave me other problems.

So, if anybody use remote desktop and it works, please let me know.

Now I can use the Cosmos, just kill and restart remote desktop depending on what i want to do.

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