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An error may occur in Unity.

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I am developing with Unity2017.4.34f1 using Vive pro eye.
In the project I developed, scene transitions occur frequently, but at that time, an error [[SRanipal] Initial Eye: DEVICE_NOT_FOUND] occurs and the eye tracking function stops responding.

Please help me if you know the cause or solution of this problem. Thank you!


@Daniel_Y @zzy

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Thank you for your reply.

It is not always reproduced. It will be reproduced occasionally.

The test scenario is as follows.
1. Scene A starts with the target displayed in front of the user.
2. The user looks at the target for 1 second (scene A).
3. Move to scene B with 10 objects displayed at random positions.
4. Success when the user finds the target from within the object and gazes at the target for 1 second (Scene B).
5. Repeat 1 ~ 4. 10 times.


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  • 2 years later...

I get the same/similar error in Unity builds (not sure if it also occurs in the Editor). It occurs infrequently and upon scene transition and I notice it as frame rate drops/delay in scene transition (several seconds) while the system corrects itself (the new scene loads). It also comes out as an error on development builds. The error appears not to be fatal and other than the delay in scene transition, the game works as intended.

I am collecting frame data continuously in the scene with eye tracking (Tobii XR_initializer prefab) and switch to another scene without eye tracking for initialization (no prefab present). The game switches between scenes in both directions. The error appears to be in the transition from eye tracking to no eye tracking.

The error messages are as follows:


Camera transform invalid. Trying to retrieve a new.
UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)


[SRanipal] Initial Eye : DEVICE_NOT_FOUND
UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)


Tobii.XR.HmdToWorldTransformer:GetCameraLocalToWorldMatrix() appears to be the source of the error - the routine appears to be run even when the eye tracker is not queried.

I imagine a resolution might be to have the initializer prefab active in both scenes. I'll have a look at this are report back.

Any further insights would be appreciated.






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  • 2 years later...

It's yayumura again, four years later - the problem is still there - I have tried the following fix seems to work so far SRanipal_Eye_Framework.cs - make the following changes - add isStarted bool to start the framework once and never stop the framework - this may not work perfectly but it is a simple edit and better than the alternative :


  public static bool isStarted = false;

                void Start()
                    print($"SRanipal_Eye_framework.isStarted = {isStarted}");
                    if (!isStarted)

                void OnDestroy()

                public void StartFramework()
                    if (!EnableEye) return;
                    if (Status == FrameworkStatus.WORKING || Status == FrameworkStatus.NOT_SUPPORT)
                        isStarted = true;



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