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SRanipal not listed in Unreal plugins

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I'm new to this and I'm trying to set up SRanipal in Unreal so that I can get the eyetracking data. I have followed the manual and can get to the point where I have to enable the plugin, but it does not show up in the list of plugins in Unreal. Any ideas what could be wrong? I tried copying the unzipped 'Plugins' folder into the project folder and also tried copying the 'SRanipal' folder into the 'Plugins' folder of the game engine.



@Daniel_Y @zzy @Corvus

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I'm using 4.23.1, I get the following message when trying to restart the environment after copying the folder: "The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version: SRanipal, Would you like to rebuild them now?". I clicked yes and it tries to rebuild it, but maybe this doesn't work?


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Hi @GestureLab

It's weird since after you rebuild the plugin, it should work.

Can you help me check some details?

1. Check the Plugin's binary files, it's in: Plugins/SRanipal/Binaries/Win64/. The binary files should include 5 dlls and 1 lib file.

2. Check the OS you are currently use, it should be Win10 64bit.

3. You can either try some work around. Open the file: Plugins/SRanipal/SRanipal.uplugin and change the "Installed": false to "Installed": true.



Jason Lu

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