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Having an issue installing as a plugin in UE4


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Hand Tracking Version: 0.8.2

Unreal Engine 4 Version: 4.23

Windows 10

Extracted the hand tracking zip, moved to the Unreal Engine/Source/ThirdParty folder.  First, get "Missing VRHands Modules" with the message "The following modules are missing or build with a different engine version: ViveHandTracking - Would you like to rebuild them now?" Select "Yes".  Starts build.  Error: VRHands could not be compiled.  Try rebuilding from source manually.

My only option is "OK".  Is there a way to get rebuild from source manually?  How can I get this to work with Unreal?  Thanks!


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Hi @docb

You need to regenerate VS project and rebuild from source, please follow the steps below:

  1. Delete immediate and saved folders in your project.
  2. Right click your *.uproject file and select "generate source code from project" command
  3. Open your project in VS and rebuild
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@zzy Thanks for the help!

When I go to the project folder, delete "Intermediate" and "Saved" folders, and then right click and select "Generate Visual Studio project files", I get the error "This project does not have any source code.  You need to add C++ source files to the project from the Editor before you can generate project files".  Since I can't open the project, I can't add C++ files.

When I create a new project, add C++ blueprint, enable plugin, and then follow your instructions, I get the same error after generating the project files and after rebuilding the code in Visual Studio.

When I do the same thing with a new C++ project. Enable plugin, restart UE, see the compile error, follow your instructions, I get the same error after generating the project files and after rebuilding the code in Visual Studio.  Doesn't seem to want to build.

Edited by docb
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