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Compatibility and connection MiniDisplayPort problem (on an MSI GE73 Raider RGB 8RF)


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Compatibility and connection MiniDisplayPort problem (on an MSI GE73 Raider RGB 8RF)

Hello, I have a problem, it is impossible to connect my cosmos to my laptop pc with a DP to MiniDP adapter, (my laptop pc only has the connection). Unable to use, the headset is in "standby" with an error message: "220: The DisplayPort connection has a compatibility problem (HDCP error).", But sometimes also a message "006: The DisplayPort connection n 'is not stable ". I can't find the problem I updated everything (USB drivers and graphics drivers). My adapter: https://www.amazon.com/Rankie-Adaptateur-Mini-DisplayPort-vers/dp/B00YOVKWQS/ref=sr_1_7?__mk_fr_FR=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=DP+mini+dp&qid=1576944113&sr=8-7

I also tried with a MiniDP to MiniDP cable but it did not work either, but it was not 4K certified so I thought the problem came from there but it is apparently not the case ...

I ask you suddenly your help because I really do not know how to make it work on my laptop (also, my cosmos works on a desktop computer).
Thanks for reading and trying to help me!


I am French (this explains my writing)

Edited by Zerax
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20 minutes ago, T said:

Vous avez probablement besoin d'un VBIOS (BIOS de carte vidéo) mis à jour pour votre carte vidéo intégrée. Vous devez contacter le support MSI et le demander car ces mises à jour ne sont pas accessibles au public.

Okay, thank you for this information I will contact them to see what they tell me.
Always listening to other proposals.

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Jeśli nie masz Displayport lub Mini Displayport na swoim laptopie, nie będziesz mógł uruchomić zestawu słuchawkowego VIVE Cosmos. Niestety nie można użyć konwertera DP na HDMI.

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