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HTC Wireless Adapter with multiple locations

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We are working on a big exhibition and we want four visitors to explore our VR experience at the same time. We are considering using wireless adapters but I know there is a limitation of three players. As this is not a multiplayer game, each player has his own location, computer and dedicated base station, so do these limitations still apply ? Is there a required distance between each location so they don't interfere and a distance that would allow 4 simultaneous players during the exhibition ?

Thank you for your advices,




@Dyfer - Here's the backstory behind the 3 person limit:

  • The wireless adapter is based off a 60Ghz Intel technology called WiGig.
  • The underlying WiGig technology the wireless adapter is built around was approved by the FCC to support 3 channels. In China, the FCC equivalent has only approved 2 channels for WiGig.
    • This means the hardware itself can only support the 3 channels approved by the FCC (and only 2 in China)
  • Each user requires a separate channel. The channels are distinct frequencies ranges regulated by the FCC.
  • The easiest way to try and dupe channels is to physically separate the dupe channels with a physical partition, i.e. have them separated by a wall. 60Ghz bounces off surfaces, it doesn't penetrate them.
  • You can try to recycle channels if your space is large enough. To do so:
    • You'd want to separate out the channel you're trying to repeat so they're on opposite sides of the room. You can try putting two wireless linkboxes literally back to back so their FOV cone is 180 degrees opposed to one another. The room must be large enough that the signal won't just bounce off an opposing wall and reflect into the playspace on the other side of the room.
    • The signal is rated for ~6m but in reality, the materials in your room will dictate the true propagation length and the bounce behavior. Shiny/smooth surfaces will reflect more than more diffuse and rough surfaces/materials. That said, the FOV cone from the wireless basestation is large enough that you'll get bounce from the floors and the walls in most deployments and (sometimes even the ceiling).
    • It's outright impossible to model how the WiGig signals will bounce in your specific environment - there are a ton of variables at play.
  • The wireless linkbox's FOV is 150x150.


So overall, physical isolation is the best solution. It doesn't taking much to absorb or reflect a 60ghz signal, even a sheet of cardboard is thick enough in most scenarios. Beyond that adding as much distance between the wireless linkboxes and ensuring the repeating channels are pointed 180 degrees in the opposite direction of one another are your best bets. Overall though, 60ghz signal propagation is extremely difficult to model and propagation will be unique to each and every environment so there is no one size fits all answer here - propagation will be unique to each and every deployment.

If you'd like, you can PM me any additional info - I may be able to suggest a few things to test based off your specific deployment. Overall though, it's definitely a real-world test kind of situation and our official answer would be that you should limit your deployment to the 3 supported channels in a single room, especially if it's a commercial operation, and physically separate out repeating channels via  wall or other physical partition.

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