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Seeking customer support for an ordered vive product


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Hi Vive Team,


I'm hoping I may be able to find some assistance with the HTC Vive that I've ordered as I am able unable to get any solutions/support from my countries's current vive website (Singapore).


I've been highly anticipating the arrival of the HTC Vive to Singapore and have ordered one from vive.com/sg when it was realeased here in Singapore on the 28th of Novemeber. Although I've paid for the product and received the invoice, there has been no contact from Vive since as to the status of my ordered product or any expected delivery date. The date of this message is 8th Dec (about 10 days after ordering the product)


I've gone online to the vive.com/sg website to seek support however there is no category under support that was able to assist me in locating my product (status), neither is there an email or contact details of any vive representative to contact. Further more, I was able to get in touch with a Vive support staff who was from Europe, however he was unable to direct me to a contact in Asia or Singapore and was unable to help locate the status of my ordered product.


May I seek anyone's assistance on this matter in either locating my ordered product or getting contact details of a representative in Singapore or Asia (who speaks English). Much appreciated.


Product in question is 1x HTC Vive Kit S$1300++



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