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Vive Cosmos - internal USB-C connector not working when on Wireless Adapter


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I want to use a Leap Motion with a wireless adapter on the Vive Cosmos through a USB-C to USB micro B cable. When wired, the connection works and I can use it without a hitch, but when I put the wireless adapter I see that the USB-C doesn't even draw power. Is there a way to use the Leap Motion with the Wireless Adapter on the Cosmos like on the og or Pro?


@VibrantNebula @C.T.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I had the same question just out of curiosity a while back, got an answer from their wizzard @VibrantNebula


What happens if you use a low power device e.g. thumb drive?
Have you tried powering it seperatley, e.g. run a powered USB hub on the USB port and then using your leap motion plugged into that?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I tried with a USBHub to power the Leap Motion, but it didn't work so probably the USB-C connection does nothing in terms of communication while using the wireless adapter.

Eventually the only solution left to use was Vive Hand Tracking which proved to be very unreliable and buggy in combination with the Wireless Adapter  (jittering, hand jumping, loss of tracking). Unfortunately not even the latest 0.9.1 update didn't manage to fix that so we had to scrape that project altogether and go for a standalone solution.

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I was able to confirm with our hardware R&D team that the USB port will unfortunately not work when using Vive Cosmos with the Wireless adapter because the combined current draw of the HMD and external devices is higher than the design spec of the wireless adapter. At this time, it doesn't look like something we'll be able to resolve via a firmware update.

Sorry it took some time to confirm the behavior - everything is a little weird right now due to COVID.

@ATAT @Lionel

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Thank you for the question @ATATand the answer @VibrantNebula.

I have the exact same need while developping a VR simulator. Using simultaneously wireless and Leap Motion technologies would be such a great improvment for our products. Maybe integrating the Leap Motion technology into the head set would be Nice. Oculus has somtehing like this in its Quest, but the headset is used without computer and has too low performance.

If any one finds out a solution I am very interested into hearing it.

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@davide When testing, the Leap Motion seemed  to be working ok with the Cosmos tethered and using the USB-C plug inside the headset.

The hand tracking used is generic, meaning it could work with either Vive or Oculus hand tracking, Leap  Motion and XR controllers while keeping the same interactions and haptics. Unfortunately because of the USB-C constraints and the Wireless Adapter latency, Leap Motion couldn't be used and the Vive hand tracking had an enormous lag, flickering. The situation changes when tethered and the practicality of the USB-C becomes obvious there. .



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@Yann Leurent Leap Motion is no longer operational and their technology assets were purchased by a competitor called Ultraleap. Before the sale, LM actually specifically shifted towards providing OEM partnership solutions so you could have an HMD with their technology baked in - it sounds like Ultraleap is still working with some OEMs but it's still pretty early into their acquisition.

The USB port on Vive Pro/Pro Eye will work when paired with wireless and these HMDs are more suitable for enterprise and heavy usage.  It's specifically that USB isn't supported on Wireless + Cosmos which is the problem here - that's the sole incompatibility right now and USB does work on wired Cosmos. Pro Eye + a Leap Motion would probably be a really powerful combo in the hands of skilled developer.

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