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How to Unpair All Controllers & Peripherals While Troubleshooting:


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In some instances, it may be helpful or necessary to manually command SteamVR to unpair from all peripherals when troubleshooting controller & tracking issues.

The following procedure enables an end-user to quickly wipe their current peripheral pairing configuration. This procedure may be useful in situations where SteamVR is reporting that too many devices are paired, a controller/tracker refuses to pair, a controller won’t track, and/or other controller-related scenarios.

1.      With the SteamVR compositor open and the HMD connected to the PC, open Windows Explorer and navigate to .... "STEAM\steamapps\common\SteamVR\tools\lighthouse\bin\win32"

·        In a default installation scenario - this folder will most commonly be located at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\tools\lighthouse\bin\win32 

2.      Locate and right-click "lighthouse_console.exe”, select “run as administrator.” Windows User Control may prompt you for permission to launch the application as an administrator. If so, grant it the required permissions by selecting “Yes” and providing your administrative login credentials (if required).



3.      A console window will launch. To perform the “unpair all” procedure, type in the following command followed by the enter key: unpairall

Note: If the console pops up and quickly disappears, please ensure the SteamVR compositor is running and that the HMD is properly connected to the PC.  




4.      All paired devices should be unpaired. Any previously paired controllers should revert to a blue LED indicator.

Note: The console will not provide any output or echo indicating the command has been performed successfully; your devices will simply unpair. The SteamVR GUI may need to be restarted to fully refresh and indicate that no devices are currently paired.

5.      Next, pair the controllers via SteamVR’s standard controller pairing GUI. You can also pair trackers and other peripherals. In a standard use case, you would pair motion controllers first, followed by trackers and other devices. In more complex situations, it may be useful to plug the controller into the PC via a micro USB data cable to “force” the controller to pair to SteamVR.


6.      If the devices pair as expected, you should be able to continue onward with your SteamVR session normally.


7.      If a problem persists, we recommend you contact our live support by navigating to www.vive.com/support/contactus and clicking the “Contact Us” button. Please be sure to share any SteamVR error messages, LED indication patterns, or other hints which may be helpful in properly diagnosing the problem.

  • Enterprise customers should contact support.enterprise@htc.com for additional assistance. Please include a SteamVR system log (SteamVR -> Create System Log), if available, to help assist our teams with diagnosing the problem.


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Even following the directions it just blinks and does nothing. This might be as I have a Pimax and pitool has to be open with steam VR?
Is there something we can delete like a folder or a file that has the trackers? I even tried deleting them from the vrsettings to no avail.

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