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cannot launch viveport all of a sudden


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viveport will not launch from desktop or in vr  worked fine few days ago  now it will not launch   i can go into vive home   but wont let me select library  any vive port games i try to launch through steam they dont launch.  viveport wont launch  no games in viveport will launch   steam vr games are fine

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Hi , sorry you're having this issue.


Are you seeing any specific error messages? You say Viveport won't launch - do you mean via the Vive desktop shortcut?


Normally Viveport-purchased titles will not be found via the Steam desktop client, although they should be able to be launched via SteamVR (ie in VR). Are you seeing Viveport titles in SteamVR, or not?


Finally can you confirm that you're signed in with this account? Did you sign out or sign-in again? If you are signed in with a different account, it's possible that's why you're unable to launch your apps. 

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i havent signed out of anything. its the desktop shortcut  that wont launch. also wont launch in vr   i can go to vive home  but when i click on viveport in vr it does not let me click on librarry etc.  port games do show up in steam vr  but wont launch. i did get a message in vive home in vr saying to log in. go to pc and log in. all i could do is go to vive homepage  here  and log in.  made no diference

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, are you sure you're logging in with the same account that you previously purchased titles on? It's easy to get confused, especially if you're logging in with a social account (Steam, Facebook, Google+).


To check what 'type' of account you're logged in with, check your profile here. (Log in if you need to.) There under the account's email address, you'll see whether you're using an HTC login, or a different one. Whatever you're using, check the alternatives and see if your games are on those accounts. If you're still having issues after that, let me know.

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 are you using any anti-virus software? Earlier versions of Viveport could be affected by some anti-virus software. If you are, please try to make sure you're allowing Viveport access - possibly by selecting it to be in an 'anti-quarantine' area in your anti-virus software.


You may have to reinstall, but you won't lose anything - you may have to redownload apps, is all.

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  • 3 months later...

I have the same problem... Registered using my Facebook account, installed Vive so it shows in Steam. But when I start it I receive a message on the computer (don't answer) Vive. In the glasses I see a square saying "Waiting for Vivehome" and three lines blinking "III". No matter how long I wait (waited for 15 minutes, rebooted my computer and so on) I still receive the same message and ... nothing.

I have purchased some games here at Viveport and as I understands it they will show in this VIVE app in Steam.

How can I solve this?


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