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Hello, I have a difficult time applying VIVE DRM SDK


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I received a mail about reviewing our project from Viveport Editorial Team .


1. It shows the error message below when I start RunningJoe

E-mail is written like above. 


I followed the procedure again that written at HTC Vive DRM SDK documentation.


I also changed APP ID and APP KEY and executed local Test License server. 


I run my project by clicking Play button on the editor.



What is the problem with Error code  90001, 80002.


I tried again. The error has occurred continuously. 


Thank you for reading 




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Hi , I have some more details. Sorry about the confusion.


Error 80002 means "cannot receive uuid from store manager"


Error 90001 means "license verification fail"


I've been told it's possible you're not using the correct AppID and AppKey. Here's a copy below of those; maybe try again with these values.


static string APP_ID = "bd67b286-aafc-449d-8896-bb7e9b351876";static string APP_KEY = "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDFypCg0OHf"                      + "BC+VZLSWPbNSgDo9qg/yQORDwGy1rKIboMj3IXn4Zy6h6bgn"                      + "8kiMY7VI0lPwIj9lijT3ZxkzuTsI5GsK//Y1bqeTol4OUFR+"                      + "47gj+TUuekAS2WMtglKox+/7mO6CA1gV+jZrAKo6YSVmPd+o"                      + "FsgisRcqEgNh5MIURQIDAQAB";

As I understand it, this error occurs when illegal copying happens - ie the user attempts to launch content which they have not purchased. So the error message you're seeing is there to basically say "This hasn't been purchased", but after you click to proceed, it lets you play.


We're going to look into this and make it clearer to developers, but it seems right now that our engineers are suggesting that you look into what you want to happen - ie, blocking the use of the app, or forcing it to quit at that point.


Hope this helps. I'm happy to pass on other queries.


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