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HTC Vive pro eye analytics software for research purposes

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I am interested HTC vive pro eye product for my master thesis on cockpit behaviors of pilots.

This product is a great opportunity both with VR and eye tracking capability. And price is very much affordable compared with other tobii products.

The issue is I found out that Tobii Pro VR Analytics software is discontinued and I couldn't found any reliable information whether VIVE software could create analytic data.

I will need heat maps, fixation duration's and etc. 

Any help would be very much appreciated.

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@mserdarozden - Please see my post here. In short, our SDK primarily offers things like feature data (gaze, pupil diameter...ect). You can either use Tobii's XR SDK (not VR Pro) to gain access to their analytics suit and the deeper level of hardware access they allow via their SDK.

You could also theoretically try using our SRAnipal and rolling your own solution within your engine  (I've seen developers do custom heatmap and session playbacks) but it definitely is a resource commitment and there are limits on what type of hardware data you can pull from that SDK.

The Tobii XR SDK is probably what you're looking for as it has deeper levels of hardware access and has built out analytic features. I'd recommend contacting Tobii and inquiring about the licensing situation you may face in your specific situation.

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Hello Nebula, thanks for you reply. In the mean time I also found that WorldViz Vizards, VR Eye tracking analytics lab has also capable of extracting the eye tracking analytics. 

So and there are some software's claiming that capable of analyzing eye tracking data for a good price and also some SDK's. I am not an expert in programming but at least have basic knowledge on general aspects.

My plan is record eye tracking data of users in a 15-20 minutes flight simulation(Xplane or Prepar3D) session, and thereafter analyze it. It seems to be more complicated than I thought.

Now at least I know that it is possible, so the right thing to do from my side is buy the product start testing it.

Thanks again.

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My plan is record eye tracking data of users in a 15-20 minutes flight simulation(Xplane or Prepar3D) session, and thereafter analyze it.

 I have the same needs,Did you solve that problem?


 I developed unity application with SRanipal SDK to get eye-tracking data, but it can't run with Xplane, what should I do, thank you

Edited by akali
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