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Vive Entreprise Portal submission issue


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I'm creating a new app on https://enterprise.vive.com/portal/mySpace/addNewContent page.

Once my apk is loaded, everything seems to be fine (since uploaded images). I didn't activate the SDK DRM Mobile VIVEPORT and I've a title, description, icon and some blank images for screenshot.

Then I pressed the send button, and nothing happen, there isn't field required mention anywhere. Opening my browser console, this what I get:

[INFO] apis: send request with:,POST /api/enterprisecontent/v1/contents/register 2 core-38250afade65d5169b3d.js:23:14508
[ERROR] apis/ecms: Error: Request failed with status code 400 core-38250afade65d5169b3d.js:23:14508
    methodFactory https://enterprise.vive.com/portal/assets/core-38250afade65d5169b3d.js:23
    value https://enterprise.vive.com/portal/assets/core-38250afade65d5169b3d.js:7
    submitContent https://enterprise.vive.com/portal/assets/app-0d44bf910a37b0a34684.js:62

errors: Array [ "developer_display_name: field is required" ]

<prototype>: Object {  }

Any ideas?




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Hello @Aymeric - I'm generating a support ticket with the email address associated with your forum account so I can connect you with our content operations team.

You can always reach out directly via store@viveport.com for devconsole and submission inquires - that's our primary devrel and support email for the Viveport platform.

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Hey, I have the exact same issue! I wrote to the support yesterday via the contact form, and I'm hoping to get an answer soon or else I am in big trouble with customers.


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@Aymeric This issue is caused due to the recent data field setting changed on our backend system, we're working on the patch now and expect to release by tomorrow. We're very sorry for your inconvenience and will keep you posted on this.

@Cg Regarding your case, the behavior seems to be different, can you kindly expand the [ERROR] message and screenshot for more information for investigation? Thank you!


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@Aymeric @Cg

The patch for fixing recent data field setting changed is done now, please kindly give it a try and see if you're able to upload your content.Thank you!

@Cg Regarding your case, the behavior seems to be different, can you kindly expand the [ERROR] message and screenshot for more information for investigation? Thank you!

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