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Starting Infinity service after releasing the game for a fee


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I plan to release the game initially for a fee, and in the next few months I'll launch the Infinity service.
Is there a way to get in-game that the released game has launched the Infinity service?
Or is there no choice but to update the binaries?

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Hello @amata_takeda  - There is a bit of a language barrier here so I'm not able to fully understand your question. Infinity is a program opt-in - you can just update your store listing in the back end without having to re-upload the binary. A paid app opting into Infinity is a very easy process that only takes a few clicks and a confirmation.

I can try and connect you with someone from our Japanese division if you'd like - that would probably make communication easier.

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私達は、まず有償でゲームをリリースし、数か月後にVIVEPORT INFINITYプログラムに参加する予定です。

VIVEPORT INFINITYに参加しているユーザーが、VIVEPORT INFINITYプログラムに参加していないゲームを起動した場合、4.で「TransactionType.Paid」、「TransactionType.Redeem」、「TransactionType.FreeTrial」のいずれかを返すのでしょうか?
もし返すのであれば、ゲーム内で、私達がVIVEPORT INFINITYプログラムに参加したかどうかを判定する必要がありますが、それは可能でしょうか?

1. DRM APIを使ってユーザーがライセンスを持っているか確認する。
2. ライセンスを持っていればゲームを起動、無ければ3.へ
3. Subscription APIの"Subscription.GetUserStatus()"を使って、UserStatusを取得。
4. UserStatus.Typeが、「TransactionType.Paid」、「TransactionType.Redeem」、「TransactionType.FreeTrial」であればゲームを起動。無ければゲームを強制終了。


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@VibrantNebula thanks we are in touch.

There is some confusion of VIVEPORT SDK necessity and the DRM features whether it is something developers need to implement into their code when applying for Infinity program.

My understanding is Infinity is already controlled by client side on VIVEPORT, so VIVEPORT app will decide whether a user is subscribed or not and whether they can download a game or not.

So, literally the checkmark should suffice to enter/leave subscription program.

Meanwhile, VIVEPORT SDK DRM compatibility options are for IAP and DLC content verification.

I hope this is correct.

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@Yuuya Masada

Thank you both for your answers.

Let me ask you a few more questions.(もう少し質問をさせてください。)

Suppose that the person who bought our game gave A a [exe] file.(私達のゲームを購入した人が、[exe] ファイルをAさんに渡したとします。)

At this time, our game has not participated in Infinity yet, but if Mr. A participates in Infinity, is it possible to play the game?(この時、私達のゲームは、まだInfinity参加していませんが、Aさんが、Infinity に参加していれば、ゲームは遊ぶことが可能ですか?)



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I think two situation is mixed up, please let me clarify two situation is possible.

1) Non-Infinity user cannot play your game until they BUY your game.
2) Infinity subscribed user cannot play your game until they BUY your game. (This part is related to your question)

1) Non-Infinity user cannot play your game until they BUY your game.
2) Infinity subscribed user CAN play your game. (Previously Buy or Not Buy does not matter)

Your game will first the A, then later become B situation.

Next, according to your question, your game status is A.
During this situation, a non-Infinity user buys a game (A-1). Then, the user becomes an Infinity subscriber (A-2).
Because the user has ALREADY purchased your game, they can continue to play.

Infinity program does not cancel any previous purchases.


A. 御社タイトルがVIVEPORTストアで販売されている(INFINITY不参加)
1) 通常ユーザーは御社タイトルを購入しないと遊べません
2) インフィニティユーザーは御社タイトルを購入しないと遊べません(こちらがご質問に関係するかと存じます)

B. 御社タイトルがVIVEPORTインフィニティに参加している
1) 通常ユーザーは御社タイトルを購入しないと遊べません
2) インフィニティユーザーは御社タイトルをすぐに遊べます(購入履歴は関係ありません)




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@Yuuya Masada

Thank you both for your answers.

Let me ask you a more detailed question.

Is the Subscription API used when determining (A-2)?


In the sample SDK documentation above, should I make a decision using the following user status types?

> var userStatus = Subscription.GetUserStatus();
> …
> switch (userStatus.Type)

I have another question.
Beta tests that are not production releases,
Is there a way to test if a user is an Infinity user?


A-2を判定する時に使うのは、Subscription APIですか?



> var userStatus = Subscription.GetUserStatus();
> …
> switch (userStatus.Type)


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@amata_takeda I mentioned in email also, here are points for releasing:

1. The DRM protection regarding Infinity users is done by VIVEPORT application. Therefore, you do NOT need VIVEPORT SDK implementation.

A-2 is controlled by VIVEPORT. You do not need to program anything.

It is possible to test beta applications against different types of user accounts. You can add different e-mails to the access list. However, you do not need to test Infinity subscribers, as this should not be an implementation on software.

VIVEPORT SDK is only needed if you want features such as:

  • Stats, Achievements, and Leaderboards
  • In-App Purchases
  • DLC management
  • DRM compatibility options
  • and more.

var userStatus = Subscription.GetUserStatus(); is for features such as above DLC management. It is not for Infinity.


1. インフィニティユーザーに対するDRM管理はVIVEPORTアプリ自体が行っているため、VIVEPORT SDKに導入は不要です。



VIVEPORT SDKは以下の時にのみ必要なツールです:

  • ユーザー成績、アチーブメント、スコアボードの記録
  • アプリ内課金
  • DLC管理
  • DRMオプション

var userStatus = Subscription.GetUserStatus();は上記のDLC管理のためであり、インフィニティ管理のためではありません。

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