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My last HTC product


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Pretty much as the title suggest. The Vive will be my last HTC product. Back when I first purchased my Vive in mid 2018 I had to have everything replaced because I got faulty equipment from where I purchased it. This included my base stations, which one is now not working again. I have no clue when, why, or even how it decided to just stop working but I did not get the red light like others do when there base stations mess up. This only serves to amp up my frustrations because I have no clue what the issue with it is in the first place. I am a college student, and my vive is set up at my home where I use it on my breaks. So for what reason did my base station mess up when it has been mounted to the wall since the first replacement and not even plugged in when I am at my school?

I don't use it during my semesters, during 2019 winter break it was fine, but once covid-19 happened and all the students were sent home it just stopped working. It could have no earlier than January but I did not find out that my VR was messed up until March when I came home and did not find out my base station was the issue until last week. I talked to support and tried everything to at least find out what was wrong with it and I still don't know. But I was given 2 options, buy a new one or pay $90 to have it fixed AGAIN, but the best I got was free shipping. Now it is sitting in repairs waiting for me to send my money and I am just looking at all the horror stories of how they want more than just $90 to fix. I just want to use my VR but this is just crazy. I did nothing to cause my base station to mess up, and I don't even know what the problem with it is!

After this I'm done with HTC, It sucks because up until now I loved this product, but getting ripped off for this repair or buying a new one completely is the only two options they gave me in the end. I can only wonder when the next time my base station wants to break for the 3rd time and so on. Sorry for the rant but this situation has made me frustrated,

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@TechNein Basestations are mechanical devices that have motors that spin at over 200,00+ rotations per hour - the trade-off with using basestation tracking is that you get higher fidelity tracking but have to deal with the fact that it's a mechanical device. Unplugging the stations when they're not in use or using base-station power management to put the stations into sleep when they're not in use is the best way to maximize their lifespan. The Valve index the same constraints since it relies on basestation tracking. if you want to avoid this wholesale in the future, you'd need to opt for an optically tracked headset - the tracking quality isn't as good on them but there's no moving parts to wear down or break. The repairs are costly because you basically need to rebuild the entire station when something breaks - or they just replace the whole station if the station is not salvageable. It's a very manual process using expensive parts - it's not something we profit off of - the parts and labor is expensive.

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I am aware of how the base stations work and had them unplugged for months while I was away from home for my semesters at school. And even had it set to power management when it was plugged in to make sure they would not mess up when I was back during winter and summer breaks. I barely get to use my vive a lot because of school and took the precautions to make sure it would not mess up so that just makes it worse. And it wasn't even the red light issue so I have no clue what or why my based station messed up.

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Just an update, After 5 days and no contact from anyone on this issue I decided to cave in to the money the want from me. I'm a fool because still, I do not even know what the issue was with my base station is but I am just desperate to use my vive again and it has been made clear that no one at HTC cares about my situation. I can only hope that others in the future don't have to go through this. Sad to say that I am done with HTC after this as they truly do have an amazing product, but things like this prevent me from wanted to spend anymore money on any of their products.

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