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Tracking Eye movements with only one eye

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I have a simple question with a fairly high relevance to a specific medical industry and would very much appreciate any information.
Would eye tracking work accurately for a person with only one good eye? and what would be the limitations? Eye ball movements, gaze direction etc....

It made me wonder how eye tracking works when I suddenly close one eye?
Or if I am blind with one eye (so it moves, but not in the same direction as the good eye) or have crossed eyes condition (Strabismus).

It seems that calculating gaze with just one eye should be simpler than with two, if I am able to disable one eye in the headset (maybe during calibration?).
So I was wondering if I could extract this information using the SDK, and if I got the vector itself per eye, I could potentially calculate gaze direction by myself right?

I am new to this, and I apologize if I got some information wrong.
We are designing a simple VR game for kids (observe attention / distraction by tracking objects), and some have several eye conditions and I wanted to know if we can address them.
Any help would be very much appreciated.

Best regards,
Assaf W.


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