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Vive Tracker: SDK and hardware FAQs


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How do identify whether Vive Tracker or the controller is being tracked?


You can use the class type of SteamVR SDK to identify if Vive Tracker or the controller is currently being tracked.


Does Vive Tracker have a different coordination system compared to the controllers?


Yes. Content developers need to apply different coordination settings based on the position where the Vive Tracker is mounted.


How can I replace the controller with Vive Tracker if I already created content meant for the controller?


Content developers need to apply different coordination settings based on whether Vive Tracker is mounted on the same position as the controller. If its position is different, content developers need to recalibrate for Vive Tracker.


What's the equivalent of Vive Tracker's hardware button to the controller?


The hardware button of Vive Tracker maps to the System button of the controller.


How can I simulate the button event when I connect Vive Tracker to a computer through USB?


Check the "Data format" section in the developer guidelines, and follow the SetFeature 0xB4 format to fill your simulated data in "Button byte" data.


Why is tracking lost when I connected Vive Tracker to a USB cable?


When you connect Vive Tracker to your computer using a USB cable, it enters data sending mode. To resume tracking while connected to a USB port, follow the developer guidelines to send the SetFeature 0xB3 command to fill Host type byte.


Can we implement our own data into Vive Tracker's data stream?


Vive Tracker only supports data that's compatible with the controllers.


Can I customize the POGO pins?


Yes, you can. For information on how to customize the POGO pins, contact our Support team in the first instance via email.


What's in the downloadable 3D CAD file for the Vive Tracker?


The ZIP file (attached to this article) contains the .IGS and .STP for Vive Tracker. It's not a requirement to use the files, but it can help if you have 3D modeling software.


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Can we implement our own data into Vive Tracker's data stream?

Actually to a certain extent yes, using USB HID feature reports please see the documentation: https://dl.vive.com/Tracker/Guideline/HTC_Vive_Tracker_Developer_Guidelines_v1.4.pdf


Also, for those asking about using the trackers and/or controllers without a headset, yes it can be done, set requireHMD to false in steamvr vrsettings.


AND there was also a dual colored "Vive Tracker" model (fbx) already on Sketchfab predating the one mentioned above  ;-)

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