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As for Accuracy of the Eye Tracking Sensor especially about pupil diameter


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I'm Nao, this is the very first time to post here.

I started using  Vive Pro Eye recently for studying about the change of Pupil Diameter in my research and I would like to ask you a question.

How precise would the sensor of Vive Pro Eye be able to measure people's pupil diameter ? I mean I would like to get information about accuracy.

Although I knew it has  1440 x 1600 pixels per eye and will support up to a 22’11” x 22’11” area since I'm using two SteamVR Base Station 2.0 Units,  I couldn't make sure what a piece of the pixel shapes like.

Is that rectangular ?

In addition, I also would like to know what the each lengths of two sides of the 1440 x 1600 pixels  or  a piece of the pixel are suppose to be.

I'm sorry if I missed out something regarding this issue. I hope you answer my question ASAP.  If you have something you don't get  please let me know.


Nao  @Corvus

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9 hours ago, Nao said:


I'm Nao, this is the very first time to post here. ( please count out the previous post since I don't know how to delete it )

I started using  Vive Pro Eye recently for studying about the change of Pupil Diameter in my research and I would like to ask you a question.

How precise would the sensor of Vive Pro Eye be able to measure people's pupil diameter ? I mean I would like to get information about accuracy.

Although I knew it has  1440 x 1600 pixels per eye,  I couldn't make sure  what the each lengths of two sides of the 1440 x 1600 pixels  or  a piece of the pixel are suppose to be.

I would like to know about  the Field of View of the eye tracking sensor too.

I'm sorry if I missed out something regarding this issue. I hope you answer my question ASAP.  If you have something you don't get  please let me know.


Nao  @Corvus


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