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Vive vs Rift - help the uneducated make a decision


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 Ready to invest in a PC and VR. Still struggling between the Rift and the Vive.   Both have their pros and cons but I cannot find myself able to decide on one.  Any and all input would be greatly appreciated to help someone on the fence make a decision.  I understand this is all opinion and all subjective. There are no wrong or right answers. Just merely giving your interpretation will help me out greatly. Thanks in advance. 

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First off i think asking that question in a ViveForum i can guess what all the answers will be. :smileyvery-happy:
But i will give you my opinion and feedback from what other people have been saying. 
It really all depends on What you want from VR. 
if its room scale and the ability to move freely with great tracking then the Vive wins. 
If its more polished games and more comfortable controllers then the Rift. 
I personally picked the Vive because it had Valves Partnering it so I felt more confidence in the future and they do have a very good open source ethos about them, 
What ever you pick you will be blown away with VR 

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I tried both. The Rift is more comfortable to wear but roomscale is where the Vive shines so i went for the Vive. Revive makes rift games playable on the Vive including most touch games.
After 2 months i'm happy with my choice because the only games i play are roomscale games. Without roomscale i would be back to playing titanfall 2 or something on my normal screen after a few weeks when the novelty of VR has worn off. The rift can mimic roomscale a bit but it's not as good. I'm hoping the deluxe strap will make the Vive just as comfortable as the Rift.

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