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Cosmos Occlusion Mesh Toggle in Unity


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Hi all,

Is there anyway to turn off the occlusion mesh in Unity? (y'know, the part of the screen that fades to black to save GPU resources) I can see it slightly so I'd just like to get rid of it, but it doesn't seem like XRSettings.useOcclusionMesh does anything. I've seen someone on Reddit say that XRSettings,occlusionMaskScale could make the occlusion mesh bigger; therefore it would be less visible, but it doesn't seem like this has any effect either. Right now, I have OpenXR Loader active in Unity, and that's connected to SteamVR, and I'm using the Cosmos headset. Thanks in advance.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Corvus Any update on this? I recently got in contact with a Unity QA engineer, and they said that, on their end, they support OpenXR, which can interface with SteamVR and HTC HMDs; so I tried using it and found that, even though I set XRSettings.useOcclusionMesh to "false", and check that the "occlusion mesh" view in Unity Editor's game view is correct, there still seems to be another occlusion mesh, and it seems like it's constant for any game (i.e. that occlusion mesh stays on and is the same no matter what game or program I open). In other words, it seems like an overlay created by either the headset or SteamVR, so if there's nothing on your end that can be done about this, then that leaves only the people at Valve that could possibly help

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