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[Unity] error [SteamVR] No pose action set for this component


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I am trying to start with SRWorks Experience in Unity.

When running the sample scene I downloaded from here I get the follow error:

I couldn't find much info about this. What's causing the error?

- HTC Vive Pro Eye
- Unity 2018.4.33f1
- SRWorks_v0.9.7.1_Unity_Plugin
- Unity SteamVR Plugin 2.7.3 (sdk 1.14.15)

Thank you for your help.

Unity 2018.4.33f1 Personal - Sample2_DepthImage.unity - 220210412c_srworks - PC, Mac & Linux Standalone _DX11_ 2021_04_13 13_14_27.png

Unity 2018.4.33f1 Personal - Sample2_DepthImage.unity - 220210412c_srworks - PC, Mac & Linux Standalone _DX11_ 2021_04_13 13_47_32.png

コントローラのバインド 2021_04_13 13_50_36.png

Edited by mondo
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