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HTC vive pro with laptop MSI GP66 leopard not working


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Nice day, I want to ask why I can't even combine HTC vive pro for laptop MSI GP 66 Leopard (https://www.msi.com/Laptop/GP66-Leopard-10UX) when you connect htc vive via USB ck Displayport adapter Vention Adapter type C (USB-C) to DisplayPort (DP), type gray metal. It always lists an error (213)

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@bauer224 - USB-C is extra tricky because OEMs can integrate them a number of different ways. Sometimes they don't wire their USB-c port to the graphics card in order to save money.


  • The UBS-C port on the laptop must be physically wired to the dedicated GPU and not just the integrated graphics.
    • The port must specifically support Displayport 1.2+ signaling.
    • Support for this varies widely and is highly model specific. Some laptop models don't wire the USB-C port to the GPU as a cost savings measure.
        • You may need to contact your manufacturer to get confirmation of how your laptop is wired up
        • You can get a rough check of your port mapping via the PhysX page of the Nvidia. If your port is supported, it should show up as a full sized Displayport Icon under your GPu
  • I can't speak to your specific adapter without more info. Not all adapters/cables work. The key requirements are that it must support 4K @ 60Hz, must support Display 1.2+, and must be able to transmit ~20Gbps of bandwidth.
  • Here is a UBS-C to Displayport Cable that's known to work with all current Vive Desktop HMDs: Club 3D CAC-1507
  • If your laptop has a Minidisplay port, this is our recommended mDP -> mDP cable: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0777RKTJB/ref=twister_B077GCMQXJ.
    • This is our recommended cable since it's known to work and is under $10.



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