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Vive tracker looses tracking with "Resetting tracking: unlikely gravity 10.3 m/s/s " and "Resetting tracking: IMU misalignment unreasonably large (-10, 11, 3.7) deg sigma 0.93"


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Hello everyone,

I am using the Vive tracker (blue button in the center) with 4 SteamVR Base Stations 2.0 to measure the pose of an RC car. The tracker is rigidly mounted to the chassis of the car and the car is driving around an indoor track with an area of 6 x 4.5 m. The base stations are mounted on tripods and placed at the corners of the track area. While running the car over the last week, I have observed that the system looses track of the trackers intermittently and prints the following messages to the console.

Based on my understanding of the issue from looking at previous posts, the "unlikely gravity" message means that the tracker is experiencing high acceleration and saturating some predefined threshold (please correct me if I'm wrong). I believe that this could be due to vibrations as the car is running. However it seems that the system fails to reset tracking multiple times and prints the "IMU misalignment unreasonably large" message. I was hoping that someone here could shed some light on what is happening. Keep in mind that the car was in motion while tracking was being reset and please let me know if you would like more information. Thanks in advance!


Wed May 19 2021 18:53:22.574 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: Resetting tracking: unlikely gravity 10.3 m/s/s 

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:22.574 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: Dropped 414 back-facing hits, 1 non-clustered hits during the previous tracking session  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:22.574 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: Saw 42 early IMU related panics, using factory IMU cal 

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:22.647 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: ----- BOOTSTRAPPED base 59F8D726 (immediate) distance 5.66m velocity 0.83m/s base pitch ~17.5 deg roll ~-1.3 deg -----  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:24.148 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: ----- CALIBRATED base 59F8D726 at pitch 17.44 deg roll 0.90 deg ----- 

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:24.489 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: Resetting tracking: IMU misalignment unreasonably large (-10, 11, 3.7) deg sigma 0.93  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:24.489 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: Saw 43 early IMU related panics, using factory IMU cal  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:24.881 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: ----- BOOTSTRAPPED base FFCE0AD4 (delayed) distance 5.86m velocity 1.23m/s base pitch ~19.5 deg roll ~-2.6 deg -----  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:26.116 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: ----- CALIBRATED base FFCE0AD4 at pitch 19.42 deg roll 0.03 deg -----  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:26.438 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: Resetting tracking: IMU misalignment unreasonably large (-13, 7.1, -0.58) deg sigma 1.1  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:26.438 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: Dropped 1 back-facing hits during the previous tracking session  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:26.438 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: Saw 44 early IMU related panics, using factory IMU cal  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:26.521 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: ----- BOOTSTRAPPED base 59F8D726 (immediate) distance 6.82m velocity 3.27m/s base pitch ~17.5 deg roll ~-1.3 deg -----  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:26.557 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: Calibration failed: position out of bounds (-1, 0.99, -6.9)  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:26.557 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: Saw 45 early IMU related panics, using factory IMU cal  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:26.583 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: Trying to start tracking from base 91047ECC: Bootstrap failed because no IMU data was available 

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:26.963 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: ----- BOOTSTRAPPED base 91047ECC (delayed) distance 2.17m velocity 0.74m/s base pitch ~23.8 deg roll ~0.8 deg ----- 

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:27.963 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: ----- CALIBRATED base 91047ECC at pitch 19.79 deg roll 2.92 deg -----  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:28.549 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: ----- SECONDARY base AA3BEC72 distance 3.58m -----  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:28.561 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: Resetting tracking: IMU misalignment unreasonably large (-11, 7.1, -7.1) deg sigma 0.75  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:28.561 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: Dropped 34 back-facing hits during the previous tracking session  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:28.561 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: Saw 46 early IMU related panics, using factory IMU cal  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:28.621 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: ----- BOOTSTRAPPED base 59F8D726 (immediate) distance 5.54m velocity 2.78m/s base pitch ~17.5 deg roll ~-1.3 deg -----  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:29.660 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: ----- CALIBRATED base 59F8D726 at pitch 19.36 deg roll 0.88 deg -----  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:30.274 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: Resetting tracking: IMU misalignment unreasonably large (-9.3, 5.2, 12) deg sigma 0.53  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:30.274 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: Saw 47 early IMU related panics, using factory IMU cal  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:30.311 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: Trying to start tracking from base 91047ECC: Bootstrap failed because no IMU data was available  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:30.440 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: ----- BOOTSTRAPPED base 59F8D726 (immediate) distance 4.18m velocity 1.04m/s base pitch ~17.5 deg roll ~-1.3 deg -----  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:31.514 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: ----- CALIBRATED base 59F8D726 at pitch 16.45 deg roll 1.01 deg -----  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:32.379 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: ----- SECONDARY base 91047ECC distance 4.71m -----  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:32.396 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: ----- SECONDARY base FFCE0AD4 distance 5.13m -----  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:32.541 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: ----- SECONDARY base AA3BEC72 distance 5.13m -----  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:32.909 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: ----- RELATIONSHIP bases 59F8D726 <-> 91047ecc distance 7.47m, angle 125.99 deg -----  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:33.528 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: ----- RELATIONSHIP bases 59F8D726 <-> ffce0ad4 distance 5.09m, angle 74.18 deg -----  

Wed May 19 2021 18:53:34.518 - lighthouse: LHR-207B3EA4 C: ----- RELATIONSHIP bases 59F8D726 <-> aa3bec72 distance 7.91m, angle 179.36 deg ----- 


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