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Terrible Customer Service


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Hi, I'm posting this here because my previous experiences trying to talk with Vive customer support directly have been pretty awful and they do not respond to my emails.

I got a HTC Vive in December, and unfortunately the left lens had several vertical green lines of dead pixels on it. With no telephone number on the vive support website and being busy most of the time that the live chat was available, I sent them an email in early January outlining the issue and requesting a replacement. No reply.

I then sent another email a couple of weeks later with the same content - no reply.

Finally got a chance to speak to vive support via the webchat. I spoke to one person who spoke broken English who asked me to try a bunch of different things, like different HDMI cables etc. I did this, and he told me he'd put me through to somebody who could process my return. That person spoke even less English, and then got me to try exactly the same things as the previous guy, and then spent a while looking to see if other people had problems with my graphics card (Geforce GTX 1060, obviously they don't, this is a common graphics card that is VR ready and I already confirmed that all the outputs work on my monitors).

Eventually after over an hour on the live chat and waiting around for him to just bite the bullet and accept it needed to be replaced, he informed me that I could return it for a repair. I already didn't agree with this as I have had a poor experience with customer service ignoring me, wasting my time and I've spent £650+ on the Vive and they won't even replace it and sort it out quickly for me. But I thought, I was told by the customer service advisor that it would be repaired within 5 days and returned to me, so no biggy. This was on February 9th.

I did exactly as they asked, returned it via UPS with the shipping label they provided; I've just checked the tracking number, it's being held by UPS in Romania and I have no idea how to proceed to get HTC to receive it. I followed the HTC process exactly, I've had a broken Vive since December because my emails have been ignored and have been without my Vive for several weeks after spending a pretty big sum of money on it. Please could somebody advise on how to solve this as I need the Vive as soon as possible as I am also a game developer. I expect much better customer service from a company that is selling a product that is not cheap + is trying to compete with Oculus. It was bad enough that I received a broken Vive in the first place, I expect better quality control, but the after sales care is the worst I've experienced from any company. I love the product, but I wish I'd just bought a Rift, HTC have a fantastic product here (when it works) but if I could go back in time I wouldn't have bought the Vive, that's for sure. 

I just want to know how to proceed to get my Vive repaired/replaced as quickly as possible as it's stuck in Romania after a slow and painful customer service experience, and has been defective since I bought it - please can somebody advise?

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Thank you very much. I also received a message on Twitter asking if I could send the details to them directly but I'm not able to interact with their account directly/privately. Should I send the details of the order/ticket number/tracking number etc to you?

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  • 1 month later...

Having the same problem contacted customer service on a number of occasions and supplied all the requested info and you just get ignored,thought it was just me but it would appear this is standard practice with them.

Please let us know if you get any satisfaction because after 2 mths of trying to return faulty controllers it would appear some course of legal action is now the only option.


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I felt I needed to share my tale of woe. Also in the hope that someone actually does something about it.

I bought a business edition VIVE in Feb 2017 to set up a VR party service. I have had a catalogue of technical issues and have tried to contact VIVE about this on too many occasions.

Lets begin.

Set up in a local shopping mall to showcase my new business, the headset decides not to work, green light on headset but compositor error on PC.( Im running my VIVE from a HP OMEN laptop for mobility which worked great until this point)

After 8 hours standing in a mall on live chat, looking like a complete amateur I gave up,closed up and took my kit home. After reinstalling all steam/VR  and Nvidia drivers it worked again.( causing me to have to reinstll all my games) So next day took it back to the mall for it to error out again!?!?

Try contacting VIVE on a Saturday - no dont it'll waste 3 hours of your life. As a business edition owner this is unacceptable. So packed up and went back home, stumbled across a support comment somewhere telling me to set Nvidia to prefer maximum performance and this worked!!!!

Got a reply to my sos email I sent on the Friday the following Monday and the CS rep couldnt get off the phone quick enough when I told him I fixed it. He wasnt interested in my lack of available support over the weekend.

A week later I started to get a base station error on the Friday afternoon, googled it on the Friday night which pointed to a faulty base station. On the Saturday, games started to freeze. Foolishly I tried to contact VIVE on a Saturday but sent sos by email.

Luckily My son's friend has a VIVE so I hired a base station from him which got me through .

On the Monday I went managed to get someone to answer their phone after about an hour of trying live chat and calling. I asked for escalation as very dissatisfied and was told this would take 2-3 days!??!? Got a call the next day from head of tech support, incrediously he needed proof that my base station was faulty!?!? reminded him of fault finding 101, in that is you repace a component of a faulty system and the system works then the component you replaced was the faulty component.

Still , I sent him a system report   and he confirmed the base station was faulty!!!

They actually were asking me to install the faulty base station to a working setup whilst in being set up in a shopping mall!?!?

At last a piece of Kudos,  I felt I needed a backup to my business so ordered a spare base station and got a promo code. Still poor tho that I need to buy a backup because I dont trust the product.

Bored yet... I am...

The following week, the compositor error comes back, (yes back in the shopping mall). My blood pressure has taken a hammering .

Tried all the Nvidia settings changes I did before to no avail,googled everything.Then after 3 hours of live chat with the head of tech support, I got it to go, to this day he and I dont know what worked. Personally I think the issue might be when I power up the laptop without power source, I think the laptop goes into power management mode and disables something that stops the  laptop seeing the headset as a monitor.  Since that day I havent ever powered up without being plugged in and thankfully the error has not returned. I emailed a heart rending plea to VIVE asking for help on ensuring I have a stable system that I dont have to make a sacrafice to the gaming God everytime I open VR .3 weeks later I await a reply, I have however completed the dozen customer service surveys that VIVE requested from me,on each I beg for someone to contact me,in futility!


Over the weekend I have now developed base station errors where one or more stations has lost sync, headset loses tracking and the games became glitchy and crashes on occasion.Again this happened in a shopping mall and then at a clients function.

Tried to contact VIVE on live chat today and guess what, its a bank holiday and the office is closed.

What worries me is the amount of content on the web regarding technical issues with the VIVE. When working , this is the most amazing platform I have ever experienced, which made me start up a business but I really am at the end of my tether.

I get that some of my issues may be regarding PC, but surely this should be known and soemthign donw to make the VIVE more robust. To quote another disgruntled user, I shouldnt have to perform heroics to get it to work.

NON NTC staff -  how is the Occulus rift? is it as good? Is it as buggy?


HTC staff -  PLEASE can someone contact me I dont want to, but am on the verge of returning the entire kit I have spent a small fortune on.

I am at the coalface promoting the VIVE (for free) and it is becoming difficult to be positive about. Right now I feel that VIVE is a very small cog in the HTC machine and that it isnt staffed. It goes without saying that I feel totally neglected by VIVE.



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Sorry for your troubles with your equipment.  Please PM me your contact info (phone number and email)  and any ticket numbers that you may have been provided.


Thank you,





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