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This Is Real - CES 2016




1.26.16 CES 2016 was a positive event for Vive and HTC. The introduction of the Vive Pre, featuring a front facing camera, updated Chaperone System, and more, wowed event goers. The Vive Pre was featured at over 20 partners throughout the show and received 18 awards during CES. Our team visited our partners to see how they have been using the Vive to create unique experiences. We visited Dassault Systemes, Virtuix, Alienware, Audi, Envelop VR, MSI, AMD, and more to learn what the future holds for the development of virtual reality experiences.

Stay tuned for upcoming episodes of This is Real, where we take a deeper look at what developers and partners are creating with the HTC Vive Pre.

To join the conversation follow us at @viveport



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