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Pixel Ripped 1989

Greenlit Content


Viveport Review: Pixel Ripped 1989


Step into a wacky world where reality and video games clash in an epic mash-up that will leave you wanting to play for hours.


By Joshua Hawkins, Greenlit Content


When you first start Pixel Ripped 1989, the world feels nostalgic, with cardboard cutouts lining the wall bringing everything to life. You sit in a chair before a massive, clunky old TV, with a controller in your hand. Pressing buttons on your Vive controller causes your hand to move in-game, pressing the corresponding buttons on your in-universe game device. It’s a unique experience that quickly evolves and becomes even more interesting when the game world you’re inhabiting is suddenly breached and the very fabric of reality changes.


Part of what makes Pixel Ripped 1989 so special is the game’s wonderful use of old-school graphics to create a charming experience that throws you back into the ‘80s and early ‘90s, when pixelated games were all the rage. You’re thrust into a completely new experience in a world that is delightfully retro.


 Besides the feeling of nostalgia, players must overcome a powerful antagonist in Pixel Ripped 1989. After the mysterious Cyblin Lord rips the main character’s world to pieces, Dot—the little pixelated hero of the game—is transported to the real world, where she must team up with a second-grade student named Nicola. Trusted with saving the world, Dot and Nicola must work together on Nicola’s portable 8-bit console to stop the Cyblin Lord, all while avoiding being caught playing video games in class.


It’s the nice mixture of mini games and retro gameplay in Pixel Ripped 1989 that creates an engaging, endearing experience that I could get lost in for hours. I loved the feeling of the old-school graphics, and the idea behind it all meshes really well within virtual reality. You can actually see Nicola’s fingers interacting with the console, as if you were holding it out in front of you. It’s a surreal experience—something that would only ever really work in virtual reality—and the developers at ARVORE have used everything VR has to offer to immerse players in the experience.


If you want to experience one of the best games available on Viveport right now, then Pixel Ripped 1989 is a must-play. It’s well worth the time and money that you’ll invest, and I can’t wait to get lost in this nostalgic adventure once again.


 Pixel Ripped 1989 is available on Viveport and as part of Viveport Subscription.


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