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Everything posted by hmacaroni

  1. what ever you do don't ask VIVE for help, their customer service is the most appalling I have ever experienced , I sent 3 away in February, paid the only invoice they sent me only to have all 4 sent back to me untouched, I contacted Vive again and sent them back only to have them sent straight back, I have now been quoted 26 euros more than I was in February
  2. Abandon hope all who enter here. Do not expect ANY level is customer support. I totally agree, the money we've spent does not reflect the support we receive. I bought a business edition.ive had a multitude of issues.(see my previous posts) latest being dead pixels. I am paying £70 a day to be in a leisure complex and they expect me to send my headset away for an expedited 3 days!? Will they pay me loss of earnings,I,ll let you guess. Serious question,is the occulus rift any good? Harry
  3. Hi so Ive Vive video and Ive saved a url to a folder, I dont see where I should save file or how I can access it from vive video.
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