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Everything posted by HackPerception

  1. , What roles do you have them assigned as? What does the "Manage Vive Trackers" page detail for these trackers? This post may be relevant here.
  2. , 3.3V is the VDD system supply voltage - not the voltage across pins. There is a detailed list of electrical characteristics in the tracker manual that explains the difference. Are you using Tracker 18 or the original tracker? There currently exists a difference between the original tracker and Tracker 2018 - the multipler factor for the haptics value. The original tracker is a milisecond multiplier and 2018's current production firmware operates on a microsecond multiplier. There is a new tracker 18 firmware revision which is currently in review by Valve - it changes the 2018 back to a milisecond value. Is calling TriggerHapticPulse(500) giving you a compile error? It may just be related to the multiplier.
  3. , 3.3V is the VDD system supply voltage - not the voltage across pins. There is a detailed list of electrical characteristics in the tracker manual that explains the difference. Are you using Tracker 18 or the original tracker? There currently exists a difference between the original tracker and Tracker 2018 - the multipler factor for the haptics value. The original tracker is a milisecond multiplier and 2018's current production firmware operates on a microsecond multiplier. There is a new tracker 18 firmware revision which is currently in review by Valve - it changes the 2018 back to a milisecond value. Is calling TriggerHapticPulse(500) giving you a compile error? It may just be related to the multiplier.
  4. , 3.3V is the VDD system supply voltage - not the voltage across pins. There is a detailed list of electrical characteristics in the tracker manual that explains the difference. Are you using Tracker 18 or the original tracker? There currently exists a difference between the original tracker and Tracker 2018 - the multipler factor for the haptics value. The original tracker is a milisecond multiplier and 2018's current production firmware operates on a microsecond multiplier. There is a new tracker 18 firmware revision which is currently in review by Valve - it changes the 2018 back to a milisecond value. Is calling TriggerHapticPulse(500) giving you a compile error? It may just be related to the multiplier.
  5. Bumping this for visiblty - we've sent out firmware to all teams that have contacted me thus far - if you need this image PM me. , , , , , , , , ,
  6. , I responded to this via the support ticket you submitted. In short, the only way to run two SteamVR instances on the same PC is via VM - it's a pain in the ass and not highly recommended. It is impossible to get more than 2 - 1.0 Stations to work within the same line of sight of each other. 2.0 stations can array upto 4 stations per SteamVR instance on compatible hardware.
  7. , , , , , I've synced with the product team on this. Valve has had our final firmware build for some time but the final verification process is taking a while. We understand that this is a key feature for many of you - given the situation we're able to send you our build of the firmware directly to any developer team that wants to begin testing on the new build (under the understanding that the build is not fully verified). If your team is interested, PM me your studio's name and an associated email address and I'll relay it to the product team.
  8. , I've generated a support ticket under the email address associated with your account. If this is your first time setup of the hardware, you're still able to use the hardware by installing SteamVR via the Steam client - it will detect that you have a VR HMD plugged in and will prompt you to install the SteamVR runtime.
  9. , Apple controls UX on their hardware and software platform. Simply stated, Apple is managing the developer program for this integration, not Vive. Their keynote announcement last year was primarily a developer facing announcement - not a consumer facing announcements. As it stands, this is considered to be a developer/pre-developer level of hardware support for MacOS. Furthermore, as the overwhilming vast majority of VR titles have not been compiled for MacOS, only a tiny handful (>10) apps will work on MacOS natively hence it is not a consumer ready ecosystem. If you are a consumer trying to attempt to use Vive, you could try booting into Win 10 via Bootcamp but otherwise I would highly recommend not attempting to use Vive in the Mac ecosystem until the support is in place.
  10. , This is possible but extremely unlikely given how the housing of the Vive is constructed - you'd be able to visibly see that the camera module is misaligned. Like I said, there was a known issue on the SteamVR/OpenVR side but that was patched by Valve in 2018 - that bug caused an issue very similar to what you're describing - I'll see if I can pull it up in the changelogs. The best thing to do in the case may be to open the VR mirror, and post a screenshot that shows both eyes and the offsets you're describing so we can get a better feel for what you're encountering.
  11. There are legal complexities surrounding this branch of features. I am working behind the scenes on trying to drive this forward and will update this thread with any new information I am able to obtain.
  12. Hello all, I just sent out an internal email about this. I totally understand how frustrating this bug can be, especially if you're doing public demos. I want to use this post to restate that if you unplug the controller, and replug it back in - it should flip from orange to the correct white charge state if the battery is fully charged. I know it's not ideal but it is a way to get the LED to report the correct charge state if you absolutely need to know.
  13. , We've opened an inquiry into your specific report and the overall support status of SRWorks on Titan series GPUs. The inquiry may take additional time due to the US holidays but we're definitely looking into it alongside Nvidia. We'll post any updates we may have in this thread. , I'm sending you a PM - please be on the lookout for it.
  14. , When you hover over the icon for an installed title, a "..." icon apears in the bottom righthand corner. You open that context menu and select "remove from PC".
  15. , I just tested this and was unable to launch the app into VR mode - something in a recent SteamVR update may have broken it. The publisher on DOTA 2 is Valve, you may want to drop a note on the SteamVR and DOTA2 discussion boards or try and submit a support ticket to let them know that feature may be broken.
  16. , Did it work after motion smoothing was added to the main branch? That's a pretty old app and it may not be seeing updates anymore and may be conflicting with newer SteamVR rendering technologies. I'll try to give this a go tmw.
  17. Just going to pop in and comment that we're still not encouraging customers to attempt this and that the wireless adapter is still certified strictly for desktop usage. There are a number of hardware, driver, and other software limitations that will prevent most eGPUs from working with the wireless adapter. We've been investigating this behind the scenes and have yet to find something that works reliably enough to recommend - most setups just outright don't work.
  18. , Pretty much what's said above; the basestations can drive a number of devices and safety and practicality are typically the top two concerns. If you provide more specific details about your use case, I'd be happy to discuss what's applicable to your specific situation.
  19. , we've not been able to replicate this but I am forwarding it to our web team to look into it further. Are you able to use Edge to handle the work you're attempting to do in the dev console?
  20. , I'll press for a public update on this - getting firmware revisions authored, QA'ed, and pushed into production is a pretty lengthy process as a bad update could negativity affect the entire user-base.
  21. , I've started a support ticket with the email address associated with your forum accounts so I can directly connect you with a team member that's able to help you debug the issue you're encountering. As synthesis said, you're still able to use the HMD via Steam/SteamVR without the Vive installer completing.
  22. , Try pairing it to a different dongle and report back - we can replace the dongle if it comes to that. Are the dongle's spaced out at all? The tracker relies on a dongle (and comes with the cradle) because they use pretty powerful bluetooth transmitters. If you crowd the dongles too close together, the wireless radios will begin talking over one another (bluetooth co-channel interference) so I'd also ask you to space out the dongles out from each other. On that note, bluetooth operates at 2.45Ghz - very close to the 2.4Ghz carrier wave used by WiFi. Too much interference from 2.4Ghz WiFi can cause co-channel interference and reduce the number of devices you host in a given RF environment which can also produce the types of issues you're describing.
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