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  1. That is my code, I'm using example setup for clicking emulation void MyDevice::startEmulation() { joystickX = 0; joystickY = 0; trackpadX = 0; trackpadY = 0; std::thread thread_object([](void* device) { MyDevice* myDevice = (MyDevice*)device; for (;;) { myDevice->joystickX = 0.95; myDevice->joystickY = 0.95; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); myDevice->joystickX = 0; myDevice->joystickY = 0; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); } ; }, this ); } That's where is it calling EVRInitError MyDeviceProvider::Init(IVRDriverContext* pDriverContext) { EVRInitError initError = InitServerDriverContext(pDriverContext); if (initError != EVRInitError::VRInitError_None) { return initError; } VRDriverLog()->Log("Initializing Finally Functional's VR Shoes"); controllerDriver = new MyDevice(); controllerDriver->startEmulation(); VRServerDriverHost()->TrackedDeviceAdded("teensyDriver", TrackedDeviceClass_Controller, controllerDriver); return vr::VRInitError_None; } Is it good idea to use threading in openVR applications? @chengnay
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