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Posts posted by Netvr

  1. Thanks, now we could go next.

    I opened bluetooth settings by adb command: adb shell am start -a android.settings.BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS

    But after refresh there were only 2 LightHouse and 2 Finch3dof devices, (controller was in pair mode).


  2. In this link and in many others links like this there is an item "bluetooth" right after an item "wi-fi", but in a wave settings there is no such item, see attach. Should it be there?

    As I understand pairing mode for steam controller is switch on by pressing and holding app and system buttons (LED blinking). So when I switch on pairing mode on my steam controller a bluetooth on my phone coudn't find anything.

  3. Great! Thanks a lot!

    Now, I choose the service simple device from sample in configs of WaveVR Settings and I could see in the properties tab several controllers. One of them is Finch3Dof Controller which could be pairing with a HMD by pressing menu button. What should I do next to pair my steamVR controller? Shoud I set properties (name, model, render, manufacturer, firmware, hardware rev) by myself or it sets automatically when it pairs?

  4. All this things I found in the documentation, but anyway couldn't understand how to do it. Would you please clarify some more questions?

    Is it possible to run wavevr_settings-release.apk on a HMD? I did it. But when I ran this service after apk installation, I understood that this service can work only on a phone, because form of this service was only for one eye, not for two and there was no control on the form (on the service) at all. May be I did something wrong?


    Am I right that string  "<category android:name="com.htc.intent.category.VRDEV" />" mean that we instantiate one device, but ANY device?  Where and what should be to instantiate concrete device (I have several), for example my steamVR controller with concrete serial number or smthg like that?


    And how many of controllers could be used together at once?


    thanks in advance

  5. That's really great!

    But, the thing I couldn't understand from documentation is how to select concrete device? 

    "There may be a lot of HMDs and controllers installed on your device at the same time. You need to select the HMD and controller that will be used by the VIVE Wave™ Settings AP."

    What is "Settings AP"?

    And what shoud I write in Android manifest instead this

    <category android:name="com.htc.intent.category.VRDEV" />


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