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Posts posted by KevinYYLai

  1. Hi,


    Have you tried C-sample code? Did it work correctly?

    And would you mind to upload the SRWorks.log files(not parts of logs message)? this would help us to know what happened


    BTW, may you inform me about your test environment :

    1. Unity version and steamvr plugin version

    2. Nvidia driver version

    3. Is it the "Demo" scene in Experience-Unity- you are trying?  or "Vive_SRWorks_Demo.exe" in "Build-Unity-\Experience" folder


  2. Hi Schnaaki,


    Maybe you could check your steamvr camera setting, follow below steps.

    you should see three green check signs and live image streaming of front camera. 


    and test the original SRWorks C sample code, maybe start from the pre-built executable.

    If there still occur problems with SRWorks C sample code, may you upload the entire srworks.log file?



    Dear community,

    I just bought a HTC Vive Pro and started working with the SRWorks SDK as I would love to develop software for it. However, I am already experiencing problems with the first sample project I would like to run. Hopefully anyone can help me with my problems.


    I am able to compile the provided SRWorks SDK C sample code. However, if I run the binary a command window opens, giving me the following feedback:
    SeeThrough observer ExternalCommandModule (first)

    ViveSR_CreateModule 0 success(0)
    Depth observer ExternalCommandModule (first)
    ViveSR_CreateModule 2 success(0)
    AI_Vision observer ExternalCommandModule (first)
    ViveSR_CreateModule 4 success(0)
    [Reconstruction Engine] [2018-11-27 12:17:13] [LOG] ViveStaticReconstruction Construction
    RigidReconstruction observer ExternalCommandModule (first)
    ViveSR_CreateModule 6 success(0)
    [Reconstruction Engine] [2018-11-27 12:17:14]  [-WARNING-] [code: 0x0012] 
    [Reconstruction Engine] [2018-11-27 12:17:14]  [-WARNING-] [code: 0x0012]  
    I suppose at some point a GUI window should open but I can wait for a long time without anything happening. Looking into the log file doesn't give me any errors or warnings and shows me the following:
    [Vive SRWorks] [2018-11-27 11:51:10] [LOG] ViveSR_Initial() success
    [Vive SRWorks] [2018-11-27 11:51:10] [LOG] SRWorks Version
    [Vive SRWorks] [2018-11-27 11:51:10] [LOG] OS : Windows 8+
    [Vive SRWorks] [2018-11-27 11:51:10] [LOG] CPU GetMemory Total : 32446.000000
    [Vive SRWorks] [2018-11-27 11:51:10] [LOG] CPU GetMemory InUse : 4523.000000
    [Vive SRWorks] [2018-11-27 11:51:10] [LOG] GPU : TITAN V
    [Vive SRWorks] [2018-11-27 11:51:10] [LOG] GPU driver : 41681
    [Vive SRWorks] [2018-11-27 11:51:10] [LOG] GPU memory usage : 4238.183594
    [Vive SRWorks] [2018-11-27 11:51:10] [LOG] GPU memory loading: 5
    [JSON] [2018-11-27 11:51:10] [LOG] found steam install path
    [JSON] [2018-11-27 11:51:10] [LOG] using device : LHR-0E37D649
    [JSON] [2018-11-27 11:51:10] [LOG] using system : lighthouse
    [JSON] [2018-11-27 11:51:11] [LOG] found device config file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\lighthouse\LHR-0E37D649\config.json
    [JSON] [2018-11-27 11:51:11] [LOG] Cali_V2D_00000
    [JSON] [2018-11-27 11:51:11] [LOG] MIE_GCP_00000
    [JSON] [2018-11-27 11:51:11] [LOG] found steam install path
    [JSON] [2018-11-27 11:51:11] [LOG] using device : LHR-0E37D649
    [JSON] [2018-11-27 11:51:11] [LOG] using system : lighthouse
    [JSON] [2018-11-27 11:51:11] [LOG] found device config file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\lighthouse\LHR-0E37D649\config.json
    [JSON] [2018-11-27 11:51:11] [LOG] Cali_V2D_00000
    [JSON] [2018-11-27 11:51:11] [LOG] MIE_GCP_00000
    [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0] [2018-11-27 11:51:11] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_SeeThrough_mode(first)
    [Vive SRWorks] [2018-11-27 11:51:11] [LOG] CM_MT1_MID0_00000
    [ENGINE_DEPTH_2] [2018-11-27 11:51:11] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_Depth_mode(first)
    [Vive SRWorks] [2018-11-27 11:51:11] [LOG] CM_MT4_MID2_00000
    [ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-11-27 11:51:11] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_AI_Vision_mode(first)
    [Vive SRWorks] [2018-11-27 11:51:11] [LOG] CM_MT7_MID4_00000
    [ENGINE_RIGID_RECONSTRUCTION_6] [2018-11-27 11:51:11] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_RigidReconstruction_mode(first)
    [Vive SRWorks] [2018-11-27 11:51:11] [LOG] CM_MT5_MID6_00000
    [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0] [2018-11-27 11:51:12] [LOG] M_MSCD_set_VRINT_1
    [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0] [2018-11-27 11:51:12] [LOG] M_MSCD_set_VRINT_TYPE1
    [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-11-27 11:51:13] [LOG] initialization mode 2-2
    [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-11-27 11:51:13] [LOG] Create Mapping table start
    [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-11-27 11:51:13] [LOG] Create Mapping table end
    [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-11-27 11:51:13] [LOG] Create Mapping table start
    [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-11-27 11:51:13] [LOG] Create Mapping table end
    [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-11-27 11:51:13] [LOG] initialization mode end2-2
    [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-11-27 11:51:13] [LOG] TurnOn

    I was able to trace the problem to the following line of code in the main.cpp (line 122) of the sample-vs2015 project:

    res = ViveSR_StartModule(ID_SEETHROUGH);

    The process just hangs here and fills up my RAM very quickly (I have 32GB RAM installed) and then crashes.


    My setup is as follows:

    1) Windows 10 64bit

    2) SRWorks C Sample code v.

    3) Visual Studio 2017 Community edition

    4) HTC Vive Pro Full Kit (fully updated firmware)

    5) Nvidia Titan V (fully updated driver)


    I hope anyone has a good idea what might be the problem in my case as I am struggling to get this basic sample to work on my machine.


    Thanks in advance for all your help and suggestions!





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