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Posts posted by jason.x

  1. The legacy post processing effects for Unity works on Focus without impacting the fps significantly. I am able to achieve 75 fps on a blank screen even with blur or other post processing effect scripts attached to the "Left Eye" and "Right Eye". On the plus, this does not work: even rendering a blank screen only gives around 45 fps. Looks like there's no viable way to make postprocessing work on the Focus Plus?

  2. Thanks for the th help  , I found out that what was causing the low fps is the post processing pipeline we had in the app. It's a simple post processing procedure that blurs and occludes part of the screen. The post processing is done using Unity's legacy post processing scripts and attach them to the camera. This works in the focus without impacting the fps, but the same approach no longer works in the focus plus. The new unity post processing pipeline does not work on the htc focus without significantly impacting the fps either. Is there anything I can do to preserve the post processing pipeline without significant impacting the fps?

  3. Hello,


    I've maintained a Unity project on Vive Focus for over half a year. The app runs on the Focus with a consistent FPS aroud 50. I got the new Vive Focus Plus a few days ago and recompiled the project on to the Focus Plus. However, the same app on the Plus only have a FPS around 20. Does anybody know what might be the cause of this? 




  4. Hello,


    I'm wondering is there a straightforward way to pair a vive tracker with an htc vive focus, such that the unity program developed for htc vive focus in unity will be able to receive the position and rotation of the paired vive tracker? If this is not possible, what is the simpliest way to obtain the position and rotation of a vive tracker inside a running htc vive focus program?



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