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Posts posted by frostymm

  1. I ordered a cable before even posting here to try. Just got it in and tried it and it works just fine! 10ft and everything, haven't noticed any issues yet.
    For anybody else:

    Cable Matters Mini DisplayPort to DisplayPort Cable (DisplayPort to Mini DisplayPort 1.4 Cable) with 8K 60Hz Video Resolution and HDR in Black 10 Feet - Thunderbolt and Thunderbolt 2 Port Compatible

  2. Well thank you for the quick response. It definitely seems like the standard vive can handle more cables based off of the reviews I've seen, but it's hard to tell which version of a cable someone has bought through amazon so that might be the problem. Looking at the Lindy Chromo cables though, gosh their expensive! I'll see if I can find a decent one of those and post the results here for anyone else trying to do the same thing.

  3. So I've looked all over the place to find a cable that will work for the vive pro. The cable that it comes with is only 1m or 3ft long! That doesn't even reach from my computer to the wall right now and I can't move my desk any closer! That's barely longer than my arm! I don't need some ridiculous length of cable but I was looking at 10ft or so to set up my ceiling hooks. I've gone through 3 or 4 cables at this point trying to accomplish that. I know the recommendation is to stick with the stock cables. I would be happy with something that is even 1m longer at this point. 

    Through all the cables I've tried so far, I've been trying to figure out what they're missing to be functional and noticed that there's no real solid information on the specs of the cable that comes with the vive. The most I got was from a post in here stating that the cable needs to be 4K and Transmit >20GBs. My latest attempt was this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01KYD101U/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and although it fits those requirements, it does not work.

    I also took a look through this compendium of cable knowledge: https://www.reddit.com/r/Vive/wiki/cables But only one cable mentions the vive pro specifically and I've noticed that most reviews on the cables I've tried state that they totally worked for them. So I'm assuming that they were using the standard vive and that the requirements are vastly different.

    So what I'm hoping for is more complete information on what cables do actually work. Or more complete specs on the original cable so I know what I should be looking for! Also, I'll note that wireless isn't an option for me.

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