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Posts posted by noony

  1. Hi @Tony PH Lin

    As we're reliant on features of ROM 3.0.2, (and soon to be 3.1?) e.g. single-pass w\stencil buffer, we're concerned that what we're seeing on our devkits is not going to be an accurate reflection of what consumers see, if they're still using 2.1.8.

    Is the intention that we have additional consumer devices for QA, or will the consumer ROMs eventually catch up with the devkits? Knowing expected dates for these consumer updates would obviously be crucial to us planning app releases going forward.


  2. Hi  


    The shaders are custom, written by ourselves as part of the project. The actual shaders are quite complex, but I've attached below simplified versions that demonstrate the same issue. UnlitStencil draws an object in blue with stencil set to 1; StencilMask should cause any renderer to mask the previous object when occupying the same pixels. This works fine in the editor scene view, and on device with single-pass off, but with single-pass on, no mask effect is seen, as if the stencil buffer is being ignored. Thanks for the help!


    Shader "UnlitStencil"{    SubShader    {        Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }        Stencil {			Ref 1			Comp NotEqual			Pass Keep			Fail Keep		}        Pass        {            CGPROGRAM            #pragma vertex vert            #pragma fragment frag            struct appdata            {                float4 vertex : POSITION;            };            struct v2f            {                float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;            };            v2f vert (appdata v)            {                v2f o;                o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);                return o;            }            fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target            {                return half4(0, 0, 1, 1);            }            ENDCG        }    }}
    Shader "StencilMask"{	SubShader 	{		Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" "Queue"="Geometry-100"}		ColorMask 0		ZWrite Off		Stencil 		{			Ref 1			Comp Always			Pass Replace		}				Pass		{		CGPROGRAM			#pragma vertex vert			#pragma fragment frag						struct appdata 			{				float4 vertex : POSITION;			};						struct v2f 			{				float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;			};						v2f vert(appdata v) 			{				v2f o;				o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);				return o;			}						half4 frag(v2f i) : COLOR 			{                                return 0;			}		ENDCG		}	}}
  3. We have a few shaders using the stencil buffer to create masks, and portal-like effects. These work fine with single-pass rendering disabled on Unity 2018.2, but with single-pass forced on, the stencil buffer seems to be ignored and the objects render as regular opaque renderers. Although experimental, we're fairly reliant on single-pass for performance reasons, so turning it off is not feasible at this stage.


    Has anybody else managed to use a stencil buffer effect under single-pass rendering? Is this expected behaviour for the current state of single-pass  ?

  4. Version number showing in system upgrade menu is 1.93.1400.2; no system updates available when checking.

    Full build number from device settings is [1.93.1400.2 9.0_g CL1057463 release-keys]


    An update installed itself increasing the version number in the bottom right of the settings menu from 1.4.18 to 1.4.20, but has made no difference to the foveation support from testing.



  5. I'm encountering difficulty enabling Foveated Rendering added in the latest SDK update, on the Focus. Interop.WVR_IsRenderFoveationSupport() in wvr.cs always report false, and therefore no foveation is seen on device. This is the same with Unity 2018.2 and 2018.3, and with single-pass on and off.


    My expectation was that foveated rendering would be supported on the Focus based on knowledge of its GPU. Has anybody managed to get it working, or can anybody at VIVE shed any light on what's going on inside the plugin?  

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