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  1. @chengnay Originally I set it to be "left foot“ and all sorts, it works only when controllers are not connected. But what I was trying to do is to just use DeviceID to get button input from tracker with two controllers connected. (kinda bypassing SteamVR role binding)
  2. @chengnay Thank you so much for the reply. I have tested it in Teleport Scene of VIU example in Unity 2019.2. However, trackers' button can only be detected when there's no controllers connected. Once with controllers connected, the trackers either take over the role as controller or would not be able to be fire button press (trigger, menu, etc via pogo)---at least the button press couldn't be detected in VIU. Did I miss anything for setup?
  3. @chengnay Thanks for the reply. I tried the suggestion you mentioned earlier with the binding in Unity 2019.2. It keeps throwing the error complaining the input doesn't exist. Am I doing anything wrong? Do I need to move those bindings to certain location to make it work? BTW, do we still need to go through SteamVR binding system to set up all the things like we do regularly? I tried to get button input from pucks as tracker (not controller). Thanks a lot!
  4. Hello, May I ask where I can get these replacement json files? Thanks @chengnay
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