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Posts posted by MrPeng

  1. After tried anything. I decide to recovery my laptop. and it's work!.....

    I cancel all the update about windows and GPU drivers.

    maybe the drivers are the reason.

    thanks for help anyway.

    • Like 1
  2. I use the MSI GP63 Leopard 8RF

    I have try the vivecheck. It's say the processor is powerless for VR. It's I7-8750H  but in 2.2GHZ .

    I checked the resource manager. the CPU clock can up to 3.8GHZ. 

    Is vivecheck detect the default clock not the true using clock?

    but steamvr performance test shows it a best level device for VR.

     I also  tried using GP62 7RF with same vive pro set and it's work correctly.

    (vivecheck show no warning.and CPU clock is2.8GHZ)

    I forget to mention that  I use MiniDP to DP adapter.

    I first doubt may the port adapter causing the problem. but after running correctly in GP62 shows that. cables are fine.

    the GPU driver of 2 version I both tried get same result. both shows the HDCP error few seconds after rebooted HMD.


    thanks for your help

    Sorry for the photos instead of the screenshots.

    GP62_performance test.jpg


    GP63_performance test.jpg



    I got SteamVR HDCP after turn on the stamvr.

    and got situation like the following post


    i tried what he has tried. and I can't install that driver version.

    i have 2 vive pro and 1vive. pros are new. each cable are switched and tried.

    here is link to my steam report. plz help~Thanks


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