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Posts posted by itsme123

  1. Hello, i have questions about the cosmos for movies. maybe its gonna be silly one, but still, i would love for some answers.

    1. I read that there is a tracking issues with the cosmos (i guess that HTC is updated the cosmos and probably this issue is becoming not an issue), but still, if there is a tracking issue, it will effect only in games, right?

    2. Lightning issues, if I have a really dark room, it won't effect the movies, right? again, like the tracking problems, this is only for dark games like horror games, right?

    3. "Screen door effect", In the Cosmos, its really not noticeable? again, for movies.

    4. What happen if my room is not big enough? I know that before you can play games, you need to setup your room. what happens if i found out that my room is not bright enough or big enough? i can't skip that and watch movies?

    Thanks for helping


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