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Posts posted by a21aaron

  1. Lets keep it real!! I am trying so hard to give this console a chance but the tracking is unbearable and it's ridiculous that it keeps getting ignored for so long and it's an issue that should not keep being pushed to the side. I am still within my 30 days and really trying so hard not to return this console but it's unfair to pay almost $700 for a half baked machine. BTW you cant keep blaming it on the inside out tracking because the oculus rift S uses the same Inside out tracking and they don't have these issues. So using this console you can't ever play any games competitively because its unreliable but the hardware aside from the tracking is amazing!! Imagine if the tracking gets fixed this console would no longer be a flop!!

    please fix the tracking before anything else please for all of our sakes that wasted money on this console don't let us down!!!

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