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Posts posted by Brakedirt

  1. 8 minutes ago, MrCamper said:

    48-49, sometimes 50°C. I never meassure it, but now I tried for you in Warzone II. Full load in game, 5120x1440.

    Mine goes max 64 at full load with fan at 60%. I ask because my son wont to buy liquid.


    Btw, I play around those framedrops... I have set Vive console on Ultra (4896x2448 90 Hz) and there was in steam vr auto set to 100%, so I set it to 3000x3000 or 40% and stutter is gone and have only 2-3 framedrops.

  2. 1 hour ago, MrCamper said:


    AudioShield, Alyx, and also just the Steam/Vive room or cottage on "snow" montains. Settings default or everything other - I tried to change all. A lot of combination. Playable only on the lowest resolution in Vive Console, but not mean it is working. It is playable but not like on old 3090.

    What is your load temp on liquid?

  3. 18 minutes ago, DaddyDubz said:

    So here is my question.  I've been following this *explicative* thread for FAR too long waiting on someone at HTC to get off their insanely comfortable lazy *explicative* rear-ends and FIX THIS *explicative* problem.  I purchased my Vive Pro 2 from Amazon (Amazon was the seller) back in mid October 2022.  Because Amazon started their holiday return season for anything purchased from October - Jan 31 I can return this thing. 


    My question to all of you is - do I remove the lighthouses from my walls and pack all this hunk of crap up or do I continue to sit here like a lap dog and wait for someone at HTC to give a *explicative* about their customers and address this problem?  I can play beat saber.....that's it.  For everything else I have been forced back to my Q2 since I purchased my 4090.....MONTHS NOW. 

    SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME ON HTC.  More concentrated on releasing their crappy new AR headset no one with a right mind will purchase than addressing the issue completely BREAKING their only "pro" consumer headset.  Excellent *explicative* idea.  Bloody brilliant. 


    So....RETURN?  Or stick it out?  

    Happy Holidays! Limited Staff Responses: 1/20 - 1/31

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