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Stanislav Kostikov

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Posts posted by Stanislav Kostikov

  1. After that update I got some problem. If device report "tracking is lost" and than restore tracking, device enable frontal cameras so i can see surrounding area but I don't see any way how disable that mode. Only what I can do at this point restart or power of device. Do I miss some settings?

  2. When device report "tracking lost" it move camera position in different place. We need manually return it to desired coordinates. Is there any way to detect that event? Or there some other solution we can use?

    (It easy to repro even in standard lobby, just put device on and wait till lobby on. Than remove device and close cameras for a few seconds (like 10-20 sec) Than next time you wear device camera will be somewhere in random position)

  3. In game I see picture much larger  (about 10 times larger) than on different devices. Is there any way how can I scale image? I need keep camera at the current position but make picture smaller. (Except scale down entire scene)

  4. Hello!

    Have problem with camera. I currently porting existing unity game. When game run camera put above point where it expected.,

    For me it seems that camera have some offset. Look like camera initially above ground level. Is it so? 

    And if so can I disable that and put camera initially in zero coordinates?

  5. Guys, working with Vive Wave SDK.  In AndroidManifest :

            <activity android:name="com.htc.vr.unity.WVRUnityVRActivity"
               <meta-data android:name="unityplayer.UnityActivity" android:value="true" />
               <meta-data android:name="unityplayer.SkipPermissionsDialog" android:value="true" />

    If I add Vive Wave SDK into plain unity project everything fine and project build and run.

    But if I add this into existing project that “@string/wvr_vr_mode_component” data can't be resolved and unity generates error : “Failed to re-package resources.”. Anyone have such problem?

    (Existing project have some custom steps for Android packing. I think it may be connected )

    Anyone have idea what could be wrong?

    Thank you!

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