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Kinetic Games

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Posts posted by Kinetic Games

  1. Hey, we have run into a bug Phasmophobia with the Vive Cosmos and OpenXR.

    The input debugger shows that the Primary2DAxis is receiving input however we cannot get it to work at all with the input system.

    We have tried referencing a generic XR controller as well as a specific controller for the Vive Cosmos however neither work. Every other VR controller works and we have no issues with those.

    As far as we are aware this is a new issue with one of the latest XR or Vive Cosmos package releases and it does not happen with the Vive Cosmos Elite.

    If anyone knows a fix for this we would greatly appreciate it as this is effecting a lot of people.

  2. We have run into a bug Phasmophobia with the Vive Cosmos and OpenXR.

    The input debugger shows that the Primary2DAxis is receiving input however we cannot get it to work at all with the input system.

    We have tried referencing a generic XR controller as well as a specific controller for the Vive Cosmos however neither work. Every other controller works and we have no issues with those.

    As far as we are aware this is a new issue with one of the latest XR or Vive Cosmos support releases.

    If anyone knows a fix for this we would greatly appreciate it.

  3. Hey, my game Phasmophobia is releasing on the 18th and has just passed the review process for release however the build that I uploaded is now 2 weeks old due to the review time and contains several bugs that have already been fixed. I would like to know how I can upload a new build before release on the 18th? If it's not possible, how long would it take to upload an update build after release? It is a multiplayer game and I am also releasing on Steam so I have had to limit the current Viveport build so that Steam players cannot play with them until they are on the latest build.

    I have already replied to the email I got sent for completing the review process as well as emailing support but I'm really time constrained here.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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